
Adding packages from WHM or editing the reseller privileges is not working on a x86_64 architecture

Tags: 500 Internal Server ErrorcPanelmemory limitVPSWHM

Published on: May 23, 2009 by George K.

Adding packages from WHM or editing the reseller privileges is not working on a x86_64 architecture


As a cPanel server support company, we have come across the issue with Adding packages from WHM or editing the reseller privileges on a x86_64 architecture sometimes, Take a look at how to resolve the issue.

As usual, start by checking the error log of cPanel at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log

2009-05-23 15:44:24 info [whostmgr2] [28346] Waiting for lock on /var/cpanel/package-limits.yaml held by /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2 – locking /var/cpanel/package-limits.yaml with pid 25968
2009-05-23 15:44:25 info [whostmgr2] [28346] Removing expired lock file /var/cpanel/package-limits.yaml.lock
(internal warning while parsing [stdin]) Sat May 23 23:41:28 2009 [25968] warn: Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.

While the error (internal warning while parsing [stdin]) Sat May 23 23:41:28 2009 [25968] warn: Attempt to free unreferenced scalar floods the error log

Permissions were all right, but suddenly this started happening, but only x86_64 architectures only. Reason being the cPanel is killing the process, since it exceeded the memory usage allowed by cPanel.

Solution would be to increase the memory limit of cPanel by following the instructions below.

WHM -> Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings Choose the setting for:

The maximum memory a cPanel process can use before it is killed off (in megabytes). Values less than 128 megabytes can not be specified. A value of “0” will disable the memory limits.

The settings had 256M there, and increasing the value to 1024 M helped. Server had 8G RAM, so the value of 1024M was fine here.

As a cPanel server support company, we have experienced hands on cPanel server and do contact us for any further assistance.

Category : Linux

George K.

George K.

George started his career in web hosting and Linux technical support in the year 2004 and is with SupportSages since 2009. He has keen interest in server optimizations, custom security solutions, hacked server recovery, cyber forensic and high availability fail over system design and implementation. George loves long drives and is passionate about art and literature.

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