
How to migrate IIS6 web.config to IIS7

Tags: IIS6 to IIS7migrationweb.config

Published on: May 21, 2010 by George K.

How to migrate IIS6 web.config to IIS7


In windows migration sometimes we need to migrate IIS6 web.config to IIS7. If you are using custom httpHandlers or httpModules, you would need to
run the migration command below.

C:\> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE migrate config ""
Successfully migrated section "system.web/httpModules".
Successfully migrated section "system.web/httpHandlers".

Now if you are going to migate the web.config inside the WEB_ROOT directory itself and not inside any virtual directory don’t miss a forward slash, / after the domain name.


C:\> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE migrate config ""
Successfully migrated section "system.web/httpModules".
Successfully migrated section "system.web/httpHandlers".

Otherwise you may get an error like below,

ERROR ( message:Cannot find APP object with identifier “”. )

A good article to refer is available at

Category : Howtos, IIS, Plesk, Windows

George K.

George K.

George started his career in web hosting and Linux technical support in the year 2004 and is with SupportSages since 2009. He has keen interest in server optimizations, custom security solutions, hacked server recovery, cyber forensic and high availability fail over system design and implementation. George loves long drives and is passionate about art and literature.

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