
Legacy File Manager : File Listing Issue Resolution

Tags: cPanelfile managerx3

Published on: March 14, 2017 by Manu M.

Legacy File Manager : File Listing Issue Resolution


Hello folks,

Today I am going to solve an issue with cPanel Legacy File Manager. I think you already know what a Legacy File Manager is. For those who don’t, Legacy file manager gives the look and feel of old cPanel File Manager. This is done for those who are finding it difficult with new cPanel file manager.

Please note that with newer cPanel updates, they have discontinued the “X3” theme and “Paper Lantern” has now become the default. So for those who have latest cPanel, this blog will be irrelevant as Legacy File Manager is only available in old X3 theme.

So coming to the issue, at times when you access Legacy File Manager nothing shows up. Below is an example of how it will look.

Steps for solving the issue

Checking cPanel Error Logs

First, we will be checking cPanel error logs to see if anything shows up there. Following command is run on commandline while accessing the Legacy File Manager.

root@s1 [/home/manu]# tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log | grep manu

Unfortunately, there was no error. So we will move on to next step.

Checking cPanel Version

This step is to confirm whether the issue is a cPanel bug. cPanel version can be checked by using the following command

root@s1 [/home/manu]# tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log | grep manu

Take a Backup of the Account

This is a precautionary step. You won’t know if the user’s cPanel gets corrupted or not on proceeding with clearing the cPanel cache etc. For the purpose, I used the following command.

nice -n 19 /scripts/pkgacct manu

As I have mentioned earlier manu is the username of the account and nice -n 19 is used to reduce the priority of the process.

Clearing cPanel Cache

For clearing cPanel cache, you can move the ‘cache’ file from the cPanel folder in a user’s home directory. The command I used is given below.

#mv /home/user/.cpanel/cache /home/user/.cpanel/cache.bak 

After this step, I tried logging in again to the cPanel of the user. the issue was not resolved. 🙁

Renaming .cPanel Directory

For the purpose, I used the simple ‘mv’ command.

#mv /home/user/.cpanel /home/user/.cpanel.bak

On logging in again, a new .cpanel directory was created and everything seemed to be working fine. 🙂

Hope this post was helpful for you today.

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Category : cPanel, Howtos, Linux

Manu M.

Manu M.

Manu has been with us for past one and half years and is a person with good technical skills and domain knowledge. Being a highly athletic personality, Manu likes to play Cricket and Badminton of all games whenever he gets time off. Apart from his technical and athletic abilities, he is a good writer and has tried his hands on penning a few poems of his own. He believes in the mantra that "small things matter the most" and this nature can also visible in his blogs and writings.

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