left_qoute Sometimes the best discoveries are the result of simple observations ― Dr. Seyed Reza Agha Seyed Hosseini right_qoute

Storage Management

According to industry analysts (Gartner Estimates), data is growing at 35% to 50% per year, which means managing your storage infrastructure is no easy task. Storage capacities increase/double every 18 months. To make this even worse, unstructured user data is growing at unprecedented rates at approximately 50% per year. Your storage needs can be in terms of peta bytes or may be in terabytes for your requirements like online storage, backup, archiving, disaster recovery planning etc. SupportSages engineers have expertise in various Storage Management Solutions, both proprietory like EMC (Legato), Symantec (Veritas), IBM Tivoli, HP OpenViewi, NetApp, Zadara, SolidFire and so on and opensource solutions like Openfiler, FreeNas, Ceph, Open Cluster ZX etc SupportSages can go through your storage requirements and can help you in suggesting right solutions and vendors based on expertise. We can also help you in implementing the solutions at a datacenter of your choice or on premise. Contact Us with your requirements and we will be glad to be of assistance.

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