
Moving MySQL Data directory from /var/lib to /home

Tags: cPanelMySQLsoftlink

Published on : September 14, 2014 by

Moving MySQL Data directory from /var/lib to /home

Sometimes due to lack of Disk space in /var various activities such as logging gets affected and it may have severe impact on service and server uptime. In some cases, it is observed that default MySQL installation occupies large chunk of space in the /var partition due to the db data present in the default […]

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Enable REMI repository in a CentOS server

Tags: centOSremiyum

Published on : September 13, 2014 by

Enable REMI repository in a CentOS server

Enable remi repo The remi repository provides a variety of up-to-date packages that are useful or are a requirement for many popular web-based services.  That means it generally is not a bad idea to enable  remi repo by default. Depending on the architecture of your server (Output of uname -a reveals it) , install the RPM […]

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Script to identify working symlinks in a folder

Tags: findscriptsoftlink

Published on : September 12, 2014 by

Script to identify working symlinks in a folder

There could be situations where you see lots of dead symbolic links inside a folder. As in the example below there are 15828 symbolic (soft links) but there are only 188 files which are working symblolic links while all others are dead. So we need a way to identify working symlinks in a folder. Command […]

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Recursive permission change using find

Tags: findpermissionrecursive

Published on : September 11, 2014 by

Recursive  permission change using find

Permission issues are common in domains hosted on Linux servers and we need to change the permission of multiple files and folders. Changing the permissions of each and every file separately is a tedious and time-consuming job. So here we are discussing how recursive permission change can be done: For directories  eg :  find  /home/go -type d […]

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cPanel: How to send mails through domain IP

Tags: cPaneleximmail server

Published on : September 9, 2014 by

cPanel: How to send mails through domain IP

By default, Exim will send mail from the server’s main shared IP address. Which means that all clients on one server are sending out email through one IP? Sometimes you need to change mail server IP, Let us see how to do this, In order to specify which IP address should handle outbound mail, you […]

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