
Unable to delete a domain from Windows Plesk

Tags: PleskWindows

Published on: April 14, 2009 by Jithin Vijayan

Unable to delete a domain from Windows Plesk


We are into Windows Plesk Server management and sometimes our clients have complained that they were unable to delete a domain hosted in the server.

Error was this one. Mailenable Free version was the mail server installed.

Unable to delete DSMail service for domain: Unable to remove domain mail: mailmng failed: MEAOSM.Domain.GetDomain failed
———————- Debug Info ——————————-
0: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\plib\class.PhDomain.php:327 psaerror(string “Unable to delete DSMail service for domain: Unable to remove domain mail: mailmng failed: MEAOSM.Domain.GetDomain failed”)
1: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\plib\class.BsDomain.php:277 phdomain::delete()
2: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\plib\class.BsDomain.php:470 bsdomain->delete(integer “0”)
3: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\plib\class.Manager.php:334 mdeletedomains(array)
4: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\htdocs\domains\domains.php3:166 manager->removedomains(array)

Solution would be

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop> cd %plesk_bin%
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop> mchk.exe –domain –

If the plesk is installed on another drive, after the %plesk_bin%, you would need to do a drive change by a simple D:\ or so, which will get you the exact plesk binary directory.

Ofcourse replace domain with real domain name to be deleted.

Category : Plesk, Windows

Jithin Vijayan

Jithin Vijayan

One of the most inquisitive person you may come across in your life :-). His enthusiasm to unearth the existing technologies and excellent comprehension skills makes him one of the most dependable admin during critical situations. Jithin loves trekking and photography.

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