
How to recover forgotten plesk password from a Linux or Windows Dedicated or VPS server

Tags: Pleskrecover plesk password

Published on: May 2, 2009 by Faheem P.

How to recover forgotten plesk password from a Linux or Windows Dedicated or VPS server


It’s natural that to forget things in life. What happens when you forget the Plesk password ? Is there any way to recover it? The answer is yes !!! In Plesk management, we sometimes need to recover the forgotten passwords from Linux or windows servers.

The blog is trying to provide the steps to recover Plesk password on Linux and Windows servers seperately,

To Recover your plesk password on a Linux Dedicated or VPS Server

  1. Login as root to the server using ssh
  2. Then issue the command below, to see your plesk password cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow

To Recover your plesk password on a windows dedicated or VPS server

  1. cd %plesk_bin%
  2. Make sure that you ended up in a folder which is a line similar to “C:\Program Files\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\” If not, you will have to do a “D:\” or so depending on which drive or disk you installed Plesk on and then issue the below command
  3. plesksrvclient.exe -get

Category : Howtos, Linux, Plesk, VPS, Windows

Faheem P.

Faheem P.

Faheem enjoys learning new technologies and loves to implement cutting edge solutions. He is one of the most active member in various technical forums and is a familiar face in various brain storming sessions. He takes great pride in being an explorer and the best thing you can be sure about in his room is the backpack!!

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