SupportSages Azure Services

Software delivery is only complete, when the code you have written is resilient to outages and traffic spikes and attacks. While assigning SupportSages DevOps team, what we guarantee in return is we will make your software delivery process more efficient.

We build, resilient, self-healing systems and use monitoring and alerting to catch the issues that cant be solved automatically, including those in your code!s


Our Azure Specialities

SupportSages offers industry-leading value, with services including:
  • Enterprise-Level Support
  • Cloud Cost Management
  • Cloud Migration Support
  • Cloud Architecture Reviews
  • Flexible Billing Options
  • 25-35% avg savings

Azure Key Features for Cloud Migration

azure-services-ata resiliency

Data Resiliency

With Azure systems the user has the ability to recover from failures and work without other interupting factors.



Prevent, Detect and respond with the highly secure cloud foundation managed by Microsoft.


BCDR Integration

With Azures Site recovery service you can orchestrate replicas of on premise physical servers and/or VMs to the cloud.

azure-services-Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning

Prepare your infra for small, medium or large scale events. Plan ahead of time based on expected demand or just scale on demand.

azure-services-single-pane operability

Single-Pane Operability

Gain visibility and insights into what is going on in your infra. With Microsoft's OMS get single pane view of hybrid environments.


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