Published on: January 7, 2017 by Anitta Jose
Secure communication channels are essential for transmission of sensitive data through the Internet. Hence SSL installation is a bare necessity for websites which offers online transactions. In majority cases, customers reach to your store through a non-secure version of the website, it leaves them at a vulnerable position to divulge his/her sensitive information such as credit card details through this insecure channel. The security and confidentiality of your clients are of paramount interest and hence you ought to take the necessary steps to avoid such instances.
The easiest and effective way to this tackle situation is to redirect non-SSL ( HTTP) requests to secure https:// sites. In short, your web server will serve the only SSL-enabled version of the site irrespective of the protocol used to access the site.
Configuration HTTP redirection in IIS servers involves two steps:
1) Enable HTTP Redirection
2) Setup redirect for the domain or URL
HTTP Redirection is not available on the default installation of IIS 7 and later. To install it, use the following steps:
Step 1:
Click Start, then Administrative Tools, then Server Manager.
Step 2:
In the Server Manager hierarchy pane, expand Roles, and then click Web Server (IIS).
Step 3:
In the Web Server (IIS) pane, scroll to the Role Services section, and then click Add Role Services.
Step 4:
On the Select Role Services page of the Add Role Services Wizard, expand Common HTTP Features, select HTTP Redirection, and then click Next.

Step 5:
On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
Step 6:
On the Results page, click Close.
Now it shows HTTP Redirection as installed.
Step 1:
Click Start >> Administrative Tools >> Internet Information Services (IIS).
Step 2:
Select the server under Connections tab in IIS. Expand Sites under the server name >> select the required website.
Step 3:
Now select HTTP Redirect option from the center menu.
Step 4:
Specify the redirect URL in the format format.
Now click Apply at the topmost right end of the window. Now your site will be redirected to 🙂
Category : IIS
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