left_qoute Well done is better than well said - Benjamin Franklin right_qoute

Continuous availability of data and information is the most crucial element in hosting business . Any sort disruption to this flow makes the business standstill and is recognized as a “Disaster”.

We provide Disaster management services in the following areas:

1. Disaster Recovery Planning

Each and every enterprise should have carefully drafted plans to minimize the effects of a disaster. We cannot always avoid disasters and at times of disaster the main objective would be to minimize downtime and data loss. SupportSages can study your infrastructure and can prepare a disaster recover plan (DRP) which is part of even more detailed Business Continuity Plan, an enterprise should necessarily have. We don’t have any off-the-shelf plans for you, since a Disaster Recovery Plan can be prepared only on detailed understanding of your entire infrastructure, including people responsible in situations of disruptions. Small and medium business will have IT related issues like Virues, Worms, DoS, DDoS, Hacks, Malware exploits etc. At SupportSages, on a case by case basis, our DRP will start with preparation of Crisis Management Plan, after discussion with senior management. Preparation of Business continuity plan and Disaster recovery plan follows. Periodical updates of the plan, to update the changes in personnnel, hardware, software, network facilities, backup and recovery procedures etc are also taken care of. Contact Us with your detailed requirements for a quote!

2. Hacker Recovery

If your system is in a network and is accessible to more than one person who is supremely responsible, your system is not hacker proof. In other words, your system is as secure as it’s weakest link. Our highly trained and passionate security consultants are experts in recovering a hacked sever from its most cluttered chaos state to its normal state. Our sages are excellent in hacker-based disaster recovery services and will resolve the vulnerabilities and restore the server to stable and secure state. Contact Us with your detailed requirements!

3. Infrastructure Disaster Recovery

This can either be HW or SW issue in the server or a network issue in the Data Center. Some common instances in this category are hard disk drive failure, power outage in the DC, Software/kernel bugs etc. Contact Us with your detailed requirements!

4. Data Corruption Recovery

Storage or file system issues can lead to data corruption and make it inaccessible. Our extensive knowledge in performing low level operations and backup restoration ensures efficient data recovery.

Disaster Recovery Schema

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

  • Identify and isolate key functions
  • Evaluate the negative Business impact

Risk assessment

  • Estimate the data loss
  • Functionality impairment

Define Recovery Solutions

  • Identify the best possible solution
  • Priorities the tasks

Disaster Recovery Plan

  • Prepare the recovery plan
  • Team and communication channel preparation

The Recovery Window

  • Approximate time calculation
  • Window Announcement

Recovery Plan Execution

  • Trial
  • Actual

Post recovery Operations

  • Testing
  • Optimization

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