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Per Ticket support Plan as its name suggests charges only for the tickets we worked on your helpdesks, like WHMCS, Kayako, Zendesk etc. You can purchase and use the tickets according to the required expertise and demand.

Per Ticket Plans

Level Number of Tickets / Month Unit Price Total Price
80.00  / ticket
160.00  / ticket
640.00  / ticket
1,200.00  / ticket

Plan Features

  • Charges only for the tickets used
  • Unlimited Servers
  • Transparent Support
  • 24 x 7 x 365 Support
  • No “canned” responses
  • Guaranteed 30 minutes response time
  • Average 4 hours resolution time
  • Unlimited Domains per server
  • Supports any OS with or without control panel
  • Answers basic pre-sales questions
  • Monthly ticket usage report
  • Carry forwarding optional


  • No Server Administration or Server Monitoring

Best Suited For

  • Small and startup hosting companies with predictable number of helpdesk support tickets
  • Companies with stable servers and have less tickets
  • Hosting companies that require helpdesk support for specific time ( Night, Weekends etc) or expertise level ( only L3, L2, L1 etc)

Recommended Addons

Total Price
1,200.00  / month


  • I am not clear about the terms L1, L2 and L3 Please explain it with examples


    Based on the complexities and involvement with each issue, technical levels are classified as given below

    • Level0 or L0

      Automated or self-service solutions available for the end user without the help of Help Desk support

      Eg: Automated password resets, IP whitelist, KB access etc

    • Level1 or L1

      This is the initial support level responsible for basic customer issues. A Level 1 tech responds to the customer issues through general understanding about the system and the information documented in Knowledge base. Problems solved by Level 1 support are of "common/known issues" nature, which doesn't require deeper level investigations.

      Eg: Mail client configuration, cPanel login issues, php settings modification

    • Level2 or L2

      They handle issues that Level 1 escalates. The resolution process requires deeper level investigations and access to various configuration files. This level of support often demands root level shell access. Issues which can be resolved through the admin interface of any control panel too falls in this category.

      Eg: Data migrations, Php recompilation, Installation and basic support for applications etc

    • Level3 or L3

      Level3 admin performs more sophisticated operations and handles escalated issues from L1 and L2 techs. Each L3 tech posses excellent trouble shooting and analytical skills. They stay tuned with the industry changes and it helps them to take informed decisions whenever required.

      Eg: Server optimization, Data recovery, Cyber forensics etc

  • How does "Ticket Carry Forwarding" works?

    Ans:By default the validity of the purchased tickets expire after one month. We had seen customer queries about the possibility of continuing with the lapsed tickets. The "Ticket Carry Forwarding" addon enables you to claim or extend the validity of the unused tickets for one more month. There are no restrictions on the number of tickets or activation instances for a ticket.

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