left_qoute Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm - Winston Churchill right_qoute

VMware vCloud is a private cloud infrastructure solution based on VMware vSphere which allows IT to achieve cloud service provider economics in the data center, provision applications in minutes instead of weeks, and deliver the right availability and security for each application. VMware also offers additional software defined data center products that can extend the capabilities of a vSphere private cloud environment.
VMWare offerings here can be split into four categories:- Layer 1: ESXi hypervisor – bare metal hypervisor, like Citrix XenServer. This is VMware’s loss leader; VMware gives it out for free, while making most of its revenue on augmenting ESXi functionality with vSphere bundles. Layer 2: vSphere – vSphere is essentially a commercial offering of ESXi which includes the hypervisor and a set of enterprise stuff, such as tools for live migration, advanced security, network and storage I/O control etc. Layer 3: vCenter – To run vCenter the user should also purchase some vSphere bundle. In addition to vCenter Server, VMware offers vCenter plug-in modules such as Recovery Manager, Lab Manager (to manage DevOps environments), Chargeback etc.

Layer 4: vCloud Director – if you want to take your VMware-based virtualized datacenter and turn it into an IaaS-like service, this is what a user should use. Key features include externally facing self-service functions such as an infrastructure services catalog, billing etc.

Features of VMware vCloud :-

  • Rapid, self-service infrastructure provisioning.
  • Visibility into virtual machine health and capacity usage.
  • Scalable networking and virtualization-aware security.
  • Extensible to public clouds.
  • Protect business-critical applications with disaster recovery automation.
  • Automated configuration and deployment of multi-tier cloud applications.

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