Dedicated Team plan – Sales/Billing The plan offers you a five member team with proper training in Billing and Sales handling with high level of communication and customer service skills.
Semi-dedicated Team – Technical – Masters Availability of highly competent team to perform more complex operations at a highly affordable price makes this plan one of the most sought after team plans for Data Centers and NOCs.
Semi-dedicated Team- Technical – Abbots This semi-dedicated support team plan entitles you for unlimited help desk management, 24/7 server monitoring, instant messenger support, backup management,data migration, disaster recovery etc.
Dedicated Team – Technical- GrandMasters A dedicated team of industry certified Level3 server administrators with proven expertize and experience in web hosting support, server administration, network administration, security operations etc.
Dedicated Team – Technical – Sages A dedicated team of industry certified Level2 server administrators with proven expertize and experience in web hosting support, server administration, network administration, security operations etc.
Dedicated Team – Technical -Monks Dedicated web hosting technical support team to ensures 24/7 availability of industry certified server administrators for help desk support, server monitoring and Server Administration.

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