500 Internal Server Error

FastCGI: 500 Internal Server Error

Tags: 500 Internal Server ErrorAddHandlerphp5.fcgi

Published on : July 17, 2014 by

FastCGI: 500 Internal Server Error

If you are running a WHM/cPanel and have FastCGI enabled in Apache you may find the following error which caused your website to hang and display the ’500 Internal Server Error’ message. Let us see how to fix this FastCGI 500 error, 1. Open .htaccess for the account and add the following lines. 2. Source […]

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Adding packages from WHM or editing the reseller privileges is not working on a x86_64 architecture

Tags: 500 Internal Server ErrorcPanelmemory limitVPSWHM

Published on : May 23, 2009 by

Adding packages from WHM or editing the reseller privileges is not working on a x86_64 architecture

As a cPanel server support company, we have come across the issue with Adding packages from WHM or editing the reseller privileges on a x86_64 architecture sometimes, Take a look at how to resolve the issue. As usual, start by checking the error log of cPanel at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log 2009-05-23 15:44:24 info [whostmgr2] [28346] Waiting for […]

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