
Script to identify working symlinks in a folder

Tags: findscriptsoftlink

Published on : September 12, 2014 by

Script to identify working symlinks in a folder

There could be situations where you see lots of dead symbolic links inside a folder. As in the example below there are 15828 symbolic (soft links) but there are only 188 files which are working symblolic links while all others are dead. So we need a way to identify working symlinks in a folder. Command […]

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Simple backup script for remotely backing up databases

Tags: backupbackupscPanelcpanel mysql backupdatabaseMySQLmysqldumpremoteremote mysql backupscript

Published on : May 25, 2011 by

Simple backup script for remotely backing up databases

This database backup script is actually a small modification of another backup script available in Google. I am not able to get that URL to mark/link reference. The only modification I added is a four liner to remove a week old backup automatically. You may also see as well. Indenting in python is lost, […]

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