
Exim cheat sheet – Commands for troubleshoot mail issues in cPanel/DirectAdmin or any exim mail server

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Published on: August 10, 2009 by George K.

Exim cheat sheet – Commands for  troubleshoot mail issues in cPanel/DirectAdmin or any exim mail server


Below are the most common Exim commands which help an Administrator to ease his life

Print a count of the messages in the queue:

exim -bpc

Print a listing of the messages in the queue (time queued, size, message-id, sender, recipient):

exim -bp

Print a summary of messages in the queue (count, volume, oldest, newest, domain, and total

exim -bp| exiqsumm

Print what Exim is doing right now:


To check if the server routes the mail properly use exim -bt

# exim -bt
  router = localuser, transport = local_delivery
root@localhost# exim -bt
  router = localuser, transport = local_delivery
root@localhost# exim -bt
  router = lookuphost, transport = remote_smtp
  host [] MX=0

Display all of Exim’s configuration settings:

exim -bp


Its used for grepping through the  exim queue.

search the queue for messages from a specific sender :

exiqgrep -f

Search the queue for a specific recipient

exiqgrep -r

To print messages older than the specified number of seconds use -o .

For example, messages older than 1 day:

exiqgrep -o 86400

To print messages younger than specified number of seconds use -y

Messages younger than one day can be listed  using the command

exiqgrep -y 86400

Print just the message-id of the entire queue:

exiqgrep -i

Exim Commands to Manage the queue

Start a queue run:

exim -q -v

Start a queue run for just local deliveries:

exim -ql  -v

Remove a message from the queue:

exim -Mrm <message id >

Freeze a message:

exim -Mf <message id >

Thaw a message:

exim -Mt <message id>

Deliver a message, whether it’s frozen or not, whether the retry time has been reached or not:

exim -M <message id>

Deliver a message, but only if the retry time has been reached:

exim -Mc <message_id>

Force a message to  Freeze and bounce as “Canceled by Admin”

exim -Mg <message id>

Remove all frozen mails

exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim -Mrm

Remove all messages older than five days (86400 * 5 = 432000 seconds):

exiqgrep -o 432000 -i | xargs exim -Mrm

Freeze all queued mail from a given sender

exiqgrep -i -f | xargs exim -Mf

View a message’s headers:

exim -Mvh <messageid>

View a message’s body:

exim -Mvb <message id>

View a message’s logs:

exim -Mvl <message id>

Category : cPanel, DirectAdmin, Howtos, Linux, Troubleshooting

George K.

George K.

George started his career in web hosting and Linux technical support in the year 2004 and is with SupportSages since 2009. He has keen interest in server optimizations, custom security solutions, hacked server recovery, cyber forensic and high availability fail over system design and implementation. George loves long drives and is passionate about art and literature.

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