domain name to IP behind scenes

The domain name to IP resolution process – Part III/IV – THE PROCESS

Tags: backend process of domain name to IP conversioncomplete domain name to IP resolutiondnsdns for beginnersdns query processdns workingDomain namedomain name conversiondomain name resolution for beginnersdomain name to IPdomain name to IP behind scenesdomain to IPdomain to IP conversionhow domain name is mapped to IPworking of dns query

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The domain name to IP resolution process – Part III/IV – THE PROCESS

What is Domain Name Resolution Process? When we type in a domain name to the browser the ‘Resolver’ program (the client-side of the DNS is called a DNS Resolver) is responsible for initiating and sequencing the queries that ultimately lead to a full resolution (translation) of the resource sought, i.e. translation of a domain name […]

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The domain name to IP resolution process – Part II/IV – DOMAIN NAMES

Tags: backend process of domain name to IP conversioncomplete domain name to IP resolutiondnsdns for beginnersdns query processdns workingDomain namedomain name conversiondomain name resolution for beginnersdomain name to IPdomain name to IP behind scenesdomain name to ip resolutiondomain namesDomain namesdomain to IPdomain to IP conversionhow domain name is mapped to IPIP addressessub-domainsworking of dns query

Published on : May 25, 2010 by

The domain name to IP resolution process – Part II/IV – DOMAIN NAMES

Before I go on to the query process, I would like to present a small briefing about Domain Names basics : The Domain Name System uses a tree (or hierarchical) name structure. At the top of the tree is the root node followed by the Top-Level Domains (TLDs), then the Second-Level Domains (SLD) and any […]

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