
Some common .htaccess domain redirect rules

Tags: .htaccesdomain redirectmod_rewrite

Published on : August 22, 2014 by

Some common .htaccess domain redirect rules

Redirecting a domain or URL is essential to keep the SEO rankings. Below are some of the common htaccess redirect rules which can be helpful to accomplish this. Old site to New ste  In the root of your old Web server, edit or create a new .htaccess file using a text editor. A more common […]

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.htaccess based mod_rewrite not working with Godaddy ?

Tags: .htaccessgodaddymod_rewriterewrite engine

Published on : April 1, 2012 by

.htaccess based mod_rewrite not working with Godaddy ?

We had a situation with our cPanel migration support team, very recently where we had to move a cPanel based hosting account to Godaddy. Move went successful. We had to setup the Free Hosting Account which Godaddy has given to the customer, FTP Transfer was done (I guess it was FXP) and we did made […]

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Enabling mod_rewrite in Apache 2.2

Tags: Apachemod_rewrite

Published on : December 15, 2009 by

Enabling mod_rewrite in Apache 2.2

The website developers generally use mod_rewrite to improve user-friendliness and search engine friendliness of websites by exposing more memorable and crawlable URLs to the users.By default in CentOS or in RHEL flavors of Linux has Apache 2.2 installed. It often becomes a requirement to mod_rewrite enable on these servers. Techs who have been working with […]

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Redirecting a domain to a subfolder using .htaccess.

Tags: .htaccessdomainmod_rewriteRedirectsubdomain

Published on : July 29, 2009 by

Redirecting a domain to a subfolder using .htaccess.

To redirect domain to a subfolder you can create  a new .htaccess file in the document root of the domain. Then Edit .htaccess file and include the following entries: RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} www.domainname [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} domainname RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !subfolder/ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subfolder/$1 [L]

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