
Basic Server security guide lines and check list preparation

Tags: LinuxSecurityservervulnerability

Published on : September 29, 2012 by

Basic Server security guide lines and check list preparation

Server security audit is a continuous process and it is important that the servers are secure from vulnerabilities and hacker. As we know, the security of a server is quite essential as long as it is active. In most cases, a  mistake happens during the initial server set up will lead to a disaster at […]

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RootKits and anti rootkits

Tags: chkrootkitrootkitvulnerability

Published on : September 2, 2010 by

RootKits and anti rootkits

Server security experts define rootkits as a collection of programs that enable an attacker to get the same privilage as the root user in a linux or unix system. The word is composed of two portions: ‘root’ – meaning the application will provide the highest access level of the root/administrator in the system and ‘kit’ […]

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