
How to copy all objects of one schema to other schema with in same PostgreSQL database?

Published on : March 24, 2022 by

How to copy all objects of one schema to other schema with in same PostgreSQL database?

You can follow the following steps to copy all objects of one schema to another schema within the same PostgreSQL database: 1.Login to PostgreSQL using the following command psql -h <host> -U <username> -d <databasename> -p <port no.> 2.Create the new schema using the following command CREATE SCHEMA <new-schema-name>; 3.Check the relations of the source schema […]

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Tags: ifslinux. bashwhile

Published on : September 2, 2010 by


How many times in Linux shell scripting have you written scripts and a had bad time with those having spaces? The remedy to this situation is your IFS value. IFS or Internal Field Separator holds the value which separates the various entities. This can be file names, values read a script by read etc. It […]

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RootKits and anti rootkits

Tags: chkrootkitrootkitvulnerability

Published on : by

RootKits and anti rootkits

Server security experts define rootkits as a collection of programs that enable an attacker to get the same privilage as the root user in a linux or unix system. The word is composed of two portions: ‘root’ – meaning the application will provide the highest access level of the root/administrator in the system and ‘kit’ […]

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PostgreSQL for the sage – Must know basics for the system administrators

Tags: backupcPaneldatabasePostgreSQLrestore

Published on : August 5, 2010 by

PostgreSQL for the sage – Must know basics for the system administrators

This PostgreSQL basics Tutorial providing the must know basics for the system administrators. PostgreSQL or Postgres is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). Unlike MySQL, PostgreSQL is not controlled by any single company, it is a community developed project. It is a advanced version of the ‘Ingres’ Database project (which is how the project gets […]

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cPanel, postgresql and a default database issue with 8.4.x versions of postgres

Tags: cPaneldefault databasePostgreSQLtemplate1

Published on : May 23, 2010 by

cPanel, postgresql and a default database issue with 8.4.x versions of postgres

This PostgreSQL database issue was there, because customer wanted a latest version of Postgresql, latest than what cPanel support by default. Issue reported in the phppGAdmin page was

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