
Linux/cPanel : Common logs file paths

Tags: cPanelDirectAdminLinuxlogsMySQL

Published on : October 15, 2014 by

Linux/cPanel : Common logs file paths

In cPanel, it logs most of the activities happening on the server in log files. These log files are helpful in troubleshooting issues and in monitoring  the performance of cPanel servers. We are here providing a list of Linux and cPanel logs location. This is just a default and common path list of various log […]

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Identify your public IP via Linux Terminal

Tags: command lineLinuxpublic IP

Published on : August 5, 2014 by

Identify  your public IP via Linux Terminal

Get public IP Getting the public IP is essential for the investigation of various issues.  The most common method being used is accessing the websites such as or from the browser. Some times, the browser may not be available. In such cases you can use the following commands to get  public IP from the […]

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/proc explained

Tags: /procLinuxprocess

Published on : July 22, 2014 by

/proc explained

/proc explained /proc is not a real file system, it is a virtual file system. The /proc directory contains a stranger type files: virtual files. These files are listed, but don’t actually exist on disk; the operating system creates them on the fly. Its zero-sized files are neither binary nor text, yet you can examine […]

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Common Errors in FFmpeg installation

Tags: ffmpegLinuxphp

Published on : July 1, 2014 by

Common Errors in FFmpeg installation

Last blog we saw how to FFmpeg installation in linux. In this article, let me explain what are the common errors we face while installing FFmpeg. 1. If you get command not found error for phpize, then you will need to install the following module 2. If you get error like “ffmpeg headers not found” […]

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Basic Server security guide lines and check list preparation

Tags: LinuxSecurityservervulnerability

Published on : September 29, 2012 by

Basic Server security guide lines and check list preparation

Server security audit is a continuous process and it is important that the servers are secure from vulnerabilities and hacker. As we know, the security of a server is quite essential as long as it is active. In most cases, a  mistake happens during the initial server set up will lead to a disaster at […]

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